Contents 10. People relate a son [very as well adopted] with Personal Name of the one with whom they relate a son. |
1. Rules of Arabic language signify it only as Personal Name.
The Nouns in Arabic, whether Proper Nouns or Common Nouns, in their original/default state, as a rule are always "Nominative" or مرفوع i.e. the last consonant has a vowel sign as is here نُ.
The name is the code, which gives the basic cognition of existence and presence of a thing and person. Hence, name is the introduction for apparent/initial recognition of a thing and person. Cognition of the code/name of a thing or person is the elementary/first step in gaining knowledge about the thing or person. Name of a thing or person gives it or him a vivid distinction from all other things and persons and makes it or him distinguished/identified/definite/isolated [معرفة] and grants ability to others to identify and describe/remember/recall and/or mention-refer it or him to others. The name/code serves as a basis/foundation for others to enquire and study about it to gain further knowledge.
Attributive names/adjectival descriptions give further information, insight and knowledge about the thing or person introduced by a Personal Name. These are complimentary in nature and help to acquaint others about the inner-self [بَاطِن] of the named object or person/being. Every person and thing/object that exists has two aspects, the one evidently apparent [ظَاهر] notwithstanding whether or not it is in the range of focus of someone, and the other is the inner-self, hidden, infolded, not apparent but invisibly embedded therein [بَاطِن].
The evidently apparent [ظَاهر] is the reflection of the fact of existence, and its cognition and reference is by the Name. The pursuit-journey of knowledge is from cognition of existence/Name towards knowing and perceiving the inner-self [بَاطِن] of that which exists and its relationships and equations with all that exists. We cannot have the absolute knowledge of anything and person/being unless we know its/his inner-self [بَاطِن], after its cognition, i.e. introductory knowledge of its Name.
Once we know the inner-self, all that is secreted, hidden and its relationships with everything else, we know that thing and Person in near absolute sense.Thereupon, it or He becomes more visible and apparent than the shining Sun in a bright and clear day, even without being physically in visual sight, the [ظَاهر] aspect of Him. Therefore, we know Him/him with such conviction, which is the absolute-exalted end of the knowledge. This type of knowledge, with reference to personalities, can be attained only about two, Ar'Reh'maan, the Exalted and Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam-The Mercy Personified, since the بَاطِنof both is quite extensively visible to us all around and through the courtesy of Grand Qur'aan.
Personal Names that introduce and grant cognition of an existing personality, unlike attributive/adjectival names/descriptions, never have duality and plurality. Neither there is any process/phenomenon/rule in the Arabic language for “feminization” or masculinization of proper nouns/names.
A peculiar and distinguishing feature of Arabic language is that, unlike other languages say English and Urdu in which the adjective comes first-prioritized than the described one, the مُوْصُوف/the one who is being described/portrayed is always mentioned first followed by the صِفَة/Adjective. Arabic, the language of our Guide Lord Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, is a language of truth and fact. مُوْصُوف/the one being described/portrayed is mentioned first since he is First in Existence and it is always the مُوْصُوف who has either inherently and intrinsically the mentioned صِفَة/adjective, quality, trait, or has acquired/adopted it. Hence, Proper Noun/Personal Name NEVER find a place at a secondary place as an adjective in the Adjectival Phrases.
Personal Names are also not the first noun [مضاف] of possessive construction/genitive phrases [الاضافة]. They are always second noun [مضاف اليه] in possessive phrases. One will never find
the Personal Name of Allah as first noun [مضاف] of possessive construction/genitive phrases.
The fundamental and simple features and principles of Arabic language vividly reflect that
has no other connotation except as Proper Name. Yet there has been a debate, spreading over thousands of pages, over this Peculiar Name of Allah. We may, without indulging into merits of controversy, request the Grand Qur'aan to let us know whether this is the Personal Name of Allah or it could be stretched and considered as an Adjectival Name attributing a qualitative trait.
The Grand Qur'aan unambiguously explains to us, in various references and contexts that this is but the Unique and Exclusively the Personal Name of Allah, the Exalted, and the Sustainer Lord of all that exists.
2. Surrender and allegiance is by the Title and/or Personal Name of Lord; not by adjectival names.
The moment we pick up the book titled
we see and confront the first statement:
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.
The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified eternally, entirely and exclusively for Allah, The Sustainer Lord of the Known/Existing Worlds-All that exists.[01:02]
The Sustainer Lord of the Worlds is Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [01:03]
In addition, when we go through the Book, we find that the same advice/instruction was given to the Last Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam who was assigned the responsibility of conveying and delivering this Book to the humanity exactly as was presented to him:
You [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] read [the Book presented to you] with the Name of your Sustainer Lord, the One Who created [every thing].[96:01]
And the Messenger started reading the Book pronouncing; 

We are required to physically follow him- act and move in the manner that none comes in between him and us [as is directed by him
3:31]. The first Ayah of the Book suggests and makes us to follow his manner of reading the Book; to start reading the Book with the personal name, Ar'Reh'maan, of Allah Who is the Sustainer Lord of Worlds.
It is a matter of common sense that the relation between the Creator and the created one is that of the Sustainer Lord [
] and the created thing/being is [عَبْداً] slave-allegiant of/for the creator since a created thing is never given "independence".
is not a personal name but transpires a relationship. What is the personal name of our Sustainer Lord? Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam is The Guide for humanity, he is advised to tell us:
You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] instruct them, telling; "You people are hereby directed to call/address [your Sustainer Lord] Allah, or you people call/address [by personal name] Ar'Reh'maan". [Refer 17:110]
We call and address persons by the title, status, or position held by him or by calling/taking his personal name; like "Mr. President"; "O Nurani". In between
which means "or" and thus it is reflected that both are the exclusive distinct Names of the Same One Being, Who is The Only Iela'aha of the peoples.
And The Lord/Iela'aha of you people is The Singular One Iela'aha;
This is an absolute fact that none lord/deity/iela'aha exist in reality except the existing One [
named], He is Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [Refer 2:163]
Allah is He except Whom there is absolutely no iela'aha,
Allah is He except Whom there is absolutely no iela'aha, He is The Ever Living, Self Subsisting, The Eternal, The Absolute [Perpetually living; not subject to death. Refer 25:58]; [3:02]
[Similar pronouncement in 5:73]
[as your earliest forefathers accepted and declared 2:133] Undoubtedly Allah is the Only One Iela'aha. [Refer 4:171]
[Similar pronouncement in 4:171]
while the certain fact is that there is none as iela'aha except The Only One Iela'aha [Allah]. [5:73]
You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Undoubtedly He is The Only One Iela'aha; [Refer 6:19]
And He/Ar'Reh'maan is the One Who is the Iela'aha in the Skies and the Iela'aha in the Earth. [Refer 43:84]
He is Allah, the One except Whom there is absolutely no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha. He is the Knower of what is invisible/non perceivable and visible/perceivable for the creatures; He [Allah,
] is Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [59:22]
The praiseworthy Last Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam told us that we may address our Sustainer Lord either as Allah or
. In human history, the dominant segments of society and their coterie’s pseudo intellectuals have defrauded their under-influence people by sculpting statues and declaring them as various iela'aha after giving them imaginative names. Thus, they introduced the hypothetical concept of various gods. It necessitated educating people about mannerism of addressing the
is for the reason that except Him there is absolutely no other iela'aha. Moreover, when we address and call Him by
we show, and it becomes reflective and manifest to everyone around us, that we believe in and call upon
exclusively. Those who accept and believe in Allah the Exalted, they never call or address Him or refer Him with indefinite word iela'aha because it leaves no distinction in their calling and the calling of the "criminals" who call others also as iela'aha by giving/ascribing imaginative names. And it should strictly be remembered that in time and space the Title/Name of
has always, and universally been
, notwithstanding the varying languages of the peoples. Personal names are always universal and language variations do not affect it nor permit translation.
In time and space the demand as well as declaration of allegiance and subservience by the subject is always with one's Sustainer Lord and is demanded and pronounced by His Title/Position and Personal Name and never by the attributes of the one for whom allegiance is shown. Allah has all the positive attributes one could count but declaration of allegiance and surrendering of one's will and freedom to Him is never with reference to any attribute. Let us see the Grand Qur'aan completely on this issue:
O you the Mankind, you people be subservient/allegiant to your Sustainer Lord [His Will/Book] Who is the One Who created you people and those people who existed in times before you, [Refer 2:21]
And remember when We took a covenant from the posterity of Iesraa'eel; "You people will be subservient/subject/allegiant to none except Allah" [Refer 2:83]
[On attaining manly maturity and appointed Allah's Messenger, Easa son of Maryam addressed Bani Iesraa'eel] "Indeed Allah is my Sustainer-Lord and your Sustainer Lord, therefore be subservient to Him alone" [Refer 3:51]
And you people remain exclusively subservient/allegiant to Allah [His Will/Command/Book] and you people never join/associate anyone/anything with Allah.[Refer 4:36]
And the Al-Maseeha [Easa alahissalam] had said; "O you the Bani Iesraa'eel; be subservient/ allegiant to Allah alone, He is my Sustainer Lord and He is your Sustainer Lord; [Refer 5:72]
[Easa alahissalam submitted] "I said to [for] them nothing except what You had commanded me that "you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, My Sustainer Lord and your Sustainer Lord". [Refer 5:117]
You people listen, He is Allah; Your Sustainer Lord. There is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except Him alone. He is the Creator/Primal Originator of each and every thing.
Therefore you people be subservient/allegiant to Him exclusively. [Refer 6:102]
[Same pronouncement in same words in 23:23]
For reason [of their idol worshipping] Noah [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone" [Refer 7:59]
Hud [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone; [Refer 7:65]
[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:73,85;11:50,61,84]
Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone; [Refer 7:73]
[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:73,85;11:50,61,84]
Shoaib [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone; [Refer 7:85]
And they were commanded nothing [and made bound by the solemn pledge] except that they should be subject/subservient/allegiant to The Only One Sustainer Lord [Refer 9:31]
He is Allah; Your Sustainer Lord. Therefore be subservient/allegiant to Him alone. [Refer 10:03]
That you people should be subject/subservient/allegiant to none whatsoever except Allah. [Refer 11:02]
That you people should be subject/subservient/allegiant to none whatsoever except Allah. [Refer 11:26]
Hud [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone; [Refer 11:50]
Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone; [Refer 11:61]
Shoaib [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone;[Refer11:84]
Therefore/for that reason you be subject/subservient/allegiant to Him [Allah] and have your trust and dependence upon Him. [Refer 11:123]
Indeed decision/commanding the matters is for none except Allah.
He has commanded that you people be subject/subservient/allegiant to none except exclusively and absolutely to Him. [12:40]
You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], pronounce, "Indeed I was advised [when Qur'aan was presented/revealed] that I should [ask people to]remain subject/subservient/allegiant to Allah exclusively and sincerely and nor associate with Him anything/anyone;
[hence] towards Him I invite, and towards Him is my return/abode". [13:36]
And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] continue [calling/inviting people] to be subservient/subject/allegiant to your Sustainer Lord till such time the definite moment [of death/Big Bang of Last Day] arrives to you. [15:99]
And indeed We appointed revivalist in each and every nation as Messenger [for conveying] that you people be subservient/allegiant exclusively to Allah [His Aa'ya'at-Book] and refrain/avoid the defiant/refractory/wanderer. [Refer 16:36]
And your Sustainer Lord has given the verdict/decreed that you people be subject/subservient/ allegiant to none except exclusively and absolutely to Him.[Refer 17:23]
[On attaining manly maturity and appointed Allah's Messenger, Easa son of Maryam addressed Bani Iesraa'eel] "And indeed Allah is my Sustainer-Lord and your Sustainer Lord, therefore be subservient/allegiant to Him alone" [Refer 19:36]
[Reverting from parenthetic]; Ar'Reh'maan is the Sustainer Lord of the Skies and the Earth and whatever is between the two, therefore, you the Messenger[Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] continue [calling/inviting people] to be subservient/subject/allegiant to Him/Ar'Reh'maan and you remain coolly perseverant/steadfast in demonstrating servitude for Him.
Do you know for Him any parallel by distinction of Name [Ar'Reh'maan]? [O Sustainer Lord! certainly not; Your name is the Unique] [19:65]
[O Musa] "Indeed Me, I am Allah; there is none iela'aha except Me; therefore you continue to be subservient/subject/allegiant to Me" [Refer 20:14]

And We did not send in times before you any Messenger except the one whom We communicated that "there is no iela'aha except Me, therefore, [Messenger was advised to ask people] you people should be subject/subservient/allegiant to Me" [21:25]
And I am Sustainer Lord of you all people, therefore, you people should be subject/subservient/allegiant to Me. [21:92]
O you who declare to have accepted! you people bow down and you people prostrate [
to demonstrate remembrance of your servitude for Him]
and you people remain [in every aspect and in all moments of life] subject/subservient/allegiant to your Sustainer Lord [Refer 22:77-Please prostrate; prostration will make you nearer to Him]
[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:59]
For reason [of their idol worshipping] Noah [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone"; [Refer 23:23]
For reason/then We sent amongst them a Messenger from amongst them [who asked them]
that "you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone" [Refer 23:32]
And indeed We sent towards Samud their brother Saleh [alai'his'slaam who asked them] that "you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah" [Refer 27:45]
[You, the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, pronounce] "Indeed I was advised [when Qur'aan was presented/revealed] that I should [ask people to]remain subject/subservient/allegiant to the Sustainer Lord of this City, which He has declared sanctified, and for Him is each and every thing[subservient/dependant willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously];
"and I was advised that I be amongst those who accept [first of all the revealed Book] and that I should recite to people word by word the Qur'aan" [27:91, refer 27:92]
And Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] when he said for [to] his nation, "you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, and be mindful and afraid of Him". [Refer 29:16]
Therefore you people seek sustenance from Allah and be subservient/subject/allegiant to Him and express appreciation and gratitude for Him. [Refer 29:17]
For reason [of their idol worshipping] Shoaib [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah" [Refer 29:36]
[Listen] O My those servants who declare to have accepted that My Earth is indeed vast/spacious
since I am exclusively [its creator and Lord] therefore you people remain subject/subservient/loyal/ allegiant to Me exclusively and absolutely. [29:56]
and that you people will be subject/subservient/allegiant to Me. [Refer 36:61]
[Exactly same pronouncement in same words in 4:105]
Indeed We have since sent to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], The Book as/containing Statement of Fact.
therefore [invite people that] you submit as subject/subservient/allegiant to Allah;
remaining exclusively and sincerely subservient for Him in the Way of physical Conduct/Life. [39:02]
You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], pronounce, "I was advised [when Qur'aan was presented/revealed] that I should remain subject/subservient/allegiant to Allah
[Exactly same in 39:02]o
remaining exclusively and sincerely subservient for Him in the Way of physical Conduct/Life. [39:11]
You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them, "Allah is the One for Whom I remain exclusively and sincerely subservient/allegiant in my Way of physical Conduct/Life". [39:14]
"Rather Allah, therefore, submit to subservience/allegiance and be amongst those who appreciate/acknowledge and express gratitude." [39:66]
When the Messengers came to them [Aad and Samud civilizations] aforetimes and afterwards;
[and asked them] that "you people should be subject/subservient/allegiant to none whatsoever except Allah" [Refer 41:14]
And explore, from [the record/history incorporated in Qur'aan] whom We sent aforetimes before you from Our Messengers,
as to whether other than Ar'Reh'maan [Our self] did We ever declare others as iela'aha which are worshipped? [43:45]
[On attaining manly maturity and appointed Allah's Messenger, Easa son of Maryam addressed Bani Iesraa'eel] "Indeed Allah is He Who is my Sustainer-Lord and your Sustainer Lord, therefore you people be subservient/allegiant to Him alone" [Refer 43:64]
[Despite simple and straight forward teachings of Easa alai'his'slaam people have concocted myths; for emphatic negation] You, the Messenger[Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for everyone, "If for Ar'Reh'maan there had been a son, then in that case I [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, being first to know about it] would have been the first of subservient/allegiant. Infinitely Glorious and Elevated and above such needs/support/weakness is the Sustainer Lord of the Skies and the Earth and the Sustainer Lord of Throne of Absolute Sovereignty from all that they people conjecturally attribute". Then having told them, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] leave them playing in their conjectural discourses till they meet/encounter the Day, the one which is promised to them. [43:81-83]
That you people should be subject/subservient/allegiant to none whatsoever except Allah. [Refer 46:21]
And I did not create the groups of Jinn and Human beings except for the purpose that they should, by will and affection, submit in subservience/allegiance to Me [which will not compromise their self respect] [51:56]
Therefore [in consequence to the information given-53:57] you people prostrate for Allah and you people become subservient/allegiants [before it is too late-Please prostrate; prostration will make you nearer to Him-96:19] [53:62 ]
that [Noah alai'his'slaam said] "you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah" [Refer 71:03]
And they were commanded nothing [and made bound by the solemn pledge] except that they should be subject/subservient/allegiant to Allah remaining incessantly sincere for Him in the Code/Way of Physical Conduct. [Refer 98:05]
Therefore let them show subjection/subservience/allegiance to the Sustainer Lord of this House. [106:03]
The Grand Qur'aan has thus consistently revealed to us that in time and space the requisition and declaration for becoming, by personal will and affection, a subject/subservient/allegiant is only with reference to
Who is the Sustainer Lord [
] of Worlds. Subjection/subservience/allegiance is not a matter for exhibiting and expressing by the personal traits/attributes of the One’s Sustainer Lord. Thus the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam and the Grand Qura'aan have quite unambiguously explained us that
is the Personal Name of Allah Who is the
and is the
of each and every thing, matter and living that has been brought to existence by Him the Exalted.
You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them; "You people call/address [your Sustainer Lord] Allah or call/address [by personal name]Ar'Reh'maan" [17:110]
These are two ways/manners of address; one formal addressing by the exclusive Title/Position held by the addressee, and the other informal where addressee is called by Personal Name. Another way/manner of one to one address, distinct from the above style, is to call by that trait/attribute which is the distinction of addressee from others. It is restricted in one to one conversation/address. For introducing a person to a third person, the adjectival traits and characteristics are never the reference for identification. Firstly, the introduction is by the Title/Position held or personal name and then the attributes find mention for detailed and comprehensive understanding about the referred person.
"At whatever point in time and by whatever name of uniqueness should you people [wish to] seek attention, it is fair since the Names describing distinct attribute of exacting balance/proportioned/equilibrium/virtue/ admirable/grandeur/just/absoluteness/beauty with sublime connotation are appropriate and exclusive for Him." [Refer 17:110]
The Names having distinction of exacting balance/appropriate/proportioned/ equilibrium/virtue/ admirable/absolutely void of negativity/grandeur/just/absoluteness/beauty are appropriate for referring to Allah, therefore you people call/address Him by such beautiful names. [Refer 7:180]
Allah, there is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except Him alone.
The Names describing distinct attribute of exacting balance/proportioned/equilibrium/virtue/admirable/ grandeur/just/absoluteness/beauty with sublime connotation are appropriate and exclusive for Him. [20:08]
The Names describing distinct attribute of exacting balance/proportioned/equilibrium/virtue/admirable/ grandeur/just/absoluteness/beauty with sublime connotation are appropriate and exclusive for Him. [Refer 59:24]
The trait/attribute has depth, intensity, positivism, and negativism. In addition, in some traits the intermediary line is very delicate/thin between positivism and negativism. It has, therefore, vividly been stated that only those names which have the quality and distinction of
are attributable to Allah,
. Its Root is " ح س ن". The basic perception infolded in it is that of balance and proportion. An exacting balance and proportion makes a thing appropriate and possessor of beauty that is positively delightful.
The introduction and cognition of a Living being and personality is by the personal name. Similarly, the introduction and recognition of a thing and object is by its code/name. It is the elementary stage/first step in the pursuit of knowledge. The personal name and the code of the thing is mere cognition and witnessing it. The comprehensive knowledge and understanding about a personality is achievable by exposure of his traits and attributes. Therefore
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [01:01]
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